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Photo Compress and Resize

4.6 ( 816 ratings )

Geliştirici: Adil Elbaayoui

Transform your photos with our powerful yet easy-to-use image editing tool. Perfect for optimizing images for social media, websites, or saving storage space.
Key Features:

Smart Compression: Reduce file size while maintaining image quality
Precise Resizing: Pixel-perfect or percentage-based resizing options
Format Conversion: Convert between JPEG, PNG, and WebP formats
Batch Processing: Edit multiple images simultaneously
EXIF Data Preservation: Option to maintain image metadata
Custom Presets: Save your favorite settings for quick access
Dark Mode: Comfortable editing in any lighting condition

Technical Specifications:

Size Presets: From 30KB to 1000KB
Format Support: JPEG, PNG, WebP
Aspect Ratio Control
Real-time Preview
Automatic Image Optimization

Perfect for:

Social Media Creators
Web Developers
Storage Optimization
Document Management

Free to download with an intuitive interface and professional-grade features.